Today in 2007, Reilly Efren Dominguez came into our lives. Here's the story of that time.
He was due October 16th, but in true Kim pregnancy fashion I had him early. It was in the morning. They took me back to the OR (I had a C-Section for both boys) and started to prep me. A side note: Nothing. I mean NOTHING makes you feel more like a pregnant sexy woman then to be laying on a table, completely naked, with your arms stretched out to the side, numb and unable to move, while someone is rubbing iodine all over your body. Especially in your swimming suit area. Man, what a proud moment for me.
Before all that fun, I did have to get the block in my spine. That was not an easy thing the second time around. How many of you out there have what they call "red head syndrome"? Never heard of it? It's what they call people that numb poorly. Go to the dentist and need lots and lots of shots in your mouth to numb? That's me. When I had surgery on my foot, I told the anesthesiologist and he understood completely and made adjustments. I didn't say anything this time. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
He had to make two attempts at sticking that needle into my spine before it began to work. Considering I've had two children and NEVER felt a labor pain, I wasn't about to complain. He layed me on the table and the iodine chica began her humiliating rub down.
My doctor came over and asked if we were ready. At this point, I lifted my left leg and moved it and said, "NO!! I can feel my entire left side." Oops. It took another 10 minutes and what I thought was about a ton of medicine to finally get my body numb.
A few tugs later, I heard the most beautiful sound. A little cry from Reilly. Unlike his brother, Braedon, he didn't have to be immediately taken to the NICU team. I could hold him and touch him. They brought him over and handed him to Dean. Because I could move anything but my eyes, I looked at him. I remember thinking how big he looked. At 5 pounds 13 ounces that was a big baby to me.
That's when the doctor asked for him back. I guess he looked more blue then pink. Here we go again. They took him away and worked on him and finished with me. I was taken back to my room while we waited for news on Reilly.
The doctor came and explained he had a hole in his lung and it had collapsed. He also had a touch of pneumonia. You'd think I'd freak out at this news. No. Not at all. I think when it is your child, the worst doesn't go through your head because you can't even imagine the worst happening.
We were able to see him later that day. He was sedated will all these tubes and wires going into him. They had to put a chest tube in his side. I remember his chest being concave looking. He looked so helpless. I did know that babies are incredible healers, so time would tell.
Over the next week, Reilly blew several IVs and had to have one put in his head. It made him look like he was wearing a bow. He also had to go under the lights for jaundice for just a day.
I think the hardest thing for me was I didn't get to hold my baby for 6 days because he was so sick. For the first 6 days of his life, he just layed on the table without anyone to hold him. That part was horrible.
The day I held him for the first time, my mom was actually with me. What a great feeling. He felt strong and wonderful and soft and beautiful. He only spent 15 days in the NICU before coming home. Babies heal quickly.
Reilly was such a fun baby. A loud baby, but a fun baby. The one difficult thing with him was he didn't like human contact. It was always so difficult to cuddle with Reilly or try to hold his hand. He simply couldn't stand it.
Overtime, we learned that Reilly had many autistic traits. We had him tested and he qualified for early intervention. He also qualified for the Carmen B. Pingree Center for Children with Autism.
When I got the diagnosis of Autism for Reilly, I didn't cry like I did when I got Braedon's. I simply took a deep breath and said, "Okay. What now?" I know that you jump in with both feet and run as fast as you can. Whatever help Reilly would need, we would get for him.
Now he is turning 3. He has a few words. Mainly 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. He is obsessed with those numbers and loves to count. At night when he is tired, he'll let me hold him in my arms and cuddle for several moments. He holds my hand when I pick him up from school. When I walk into his classroom and he sees me, he smiles his big smile and says, "Yeah". That's my name to him. I think it's a great name. He has more energy then any child I know. From sun up to sundown he goes 100 mph and I just pray to keep up. He has a smile that will light up a room. He'll jump off anything anywhere...no fear.
I love that kid of mine! Happy Birthday Reilly!
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