My boys love their Nanny. They think she is simply the greatest person ever. When we arrived at her house, Braedon ran and gave her a giant hug. Reilly was more interested in going into her playroom and giving her toys a giant hug. I was happy that Braedon remembered his Aunt Rebecca, or Becca as he calls her, Uncle Karl, and cousins Aiden and Olivia. Olivia is a really hard word to say, so Braedon calls her baby.
We spent a week with everyone and had a blast. Braedon and Aiden really seemed to enjoy one another. The occasionally object being throw to the head aside, they played very well together.
My mom has the best backyard for little boys. She has a large circle of sand (in the summer it is where she puts her pool). It's full of shovels, trucks, and other toys for the sand. She also has a large swing set thing, complete with slide, climbing wall, swings, and monkey bars. The boys call all climb up in the little fort area and yell and have fun. They spent most of each day outside.
We didn't really do much besides hang around the house and watch the kids play. That turns out to be very entertaining. They did see their Grandfather, Brad, after a year. It was good for them to see him. I suppose next year when we go back up there they can see him again.
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