Friday, May 27, 2011

What to do on a beautiful day

One day this week, I decided after picking the boys up we'd head over to Temple Square and walk around. Look at the Temple, the beautiful flowers, the water fountains, and the wonderful atmosphere. Dean met us for a few minutes, which was great.

After he left, the three of us continued to stroll around. Suddenly a golf cart came around the corner and Braedon yelled, "Oh No!" and jumped out of the way. It was President Monson and his wife driving around Temple Square doing just what we were doing on a beautiful afternoon.

I told Braedon that was our Prophet and to say hi. Braedon yelled, "Hi Prophet!" President Monson gave a huge grin and waved back and said, "Hello."

We continued our adventure. Braedon likes to go in the South Visitors Center and look at the replica of the Salt Lake Temple and the railroad tracks that are in there.

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