Sunday, June 19, 2011

Reilly's summary of progress

We had Reilly's last Parent/Teacher Conference for this school year. I was amazed at his progress. When he started the school year he didn't even respond to his own name and now he talks. Wow! Here's some info....

ELAP 5/25/2010
Reilly's age 2 years 7 months
Gross Motor 1 year 7 months
Fine Motor N/A
Cognitive N/A
Language 2 months
Self-Help N/A
Social Emotinal 2 months

ELAP 12/7/2010
Reilly's age 3 years 2 months
Gross Motor 2 years 10 months
Fine Motor 2 years
Cognitive 1 year 9 months
Language 7 months
Self-Help 1 year 11 months
Social Emotional 5 months

ELAP 5/24/2011
Reilly's age 3 years 7 months
Gross Motor 3 years
Fine Motor 2 years 1 month
Cognitive 2 years 6 months
Language 1 year 9 months
Self-Help 2 years 1 month
Social Emotional 1 year 1 month

The fact Reilly has made progress in each area, regardless of the amount, is fantastic. I was really happy to see the progress in the language and the social emotional skills.

His goals this year have been...

1. Work on improving his communication by learning to use augmentative communication systems (PECS) using pictures, pointing to things that he wants, and encourage verbalization.

2. Improve his on-task behaviors. He will begin the core attending program, participate in all scheduled groups daily, and learn to sit and listen to all groups.

3. Improve his self-help skills. He will learn to wash and dry his hands independently, brush his teeth with partial prompts, and address other self-help skills as necessary.

Overall, I think he's had a pretty successful year at school. He is starting to point to things he wants, use some words, and no scream as much. He also will come when you call his name, which is huge. He still hates having his teeth brushed. He'd prefer just to eat the toothpaste, but we'll work through it.

It's still frustrating to see how far behind he is, but if I dwell on that life would be pretty sad. Instead, I look at the progress. It's simply awesome. Go Reilly!!!

1 comment:

Vikki said...

I've seen a ton of progress with him in just the last month! He is doing awesome!! Love that kid.