Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Some stories

So, I am trying something new today. While Braedon does his homework, I will attempt to do mine...blog.

Braedon's entire school had been working on a song they were going to sing for Veteran's Day to a group of veterans. It was a Flag Ceremony that many parents also attended. The Scouts were officiating the ceremony and did a wonderful job raising the flag, leading everyone in The Pledge of Allegiance, and playing taps on a bugle. Now it was the schools turn to sing their song, with Braedon and his class in the front row. Something you should know is Braedon really enjoys singing and he really liked this song. They practiced it everyday. As they got to the end, they were to sing the chorus one more time. Right before they did, Braedon stepped forward, turned and faced the school, and in a loud clear voice said, "Ok, one more time." Apparently, his teacher said that each time they sang the song. Thank you to Braedon for taking that job. His teachers and I had a great laugh. Such a cute boy.

Braedon has also made a new friend at school. I say this with enthusiasm, because he doesn't make friends. He doesn't really care about other children. They aren't important to him. Social peer relationships are really difficult for him to form. He knows the names of children in his class, but he doesn't form friendships with them.

In the Special Education class there is a little boy named Jacob. Jacob is, probably, around 10 years-old. He can't walk and is in a wheelchair. He also doesn't have very good function of his fine and gross motor skills. He's also non-verbal. He has decided he likes Braedon. I think it's because most of the children in Special Education are girls and he's just happy to have another guy in the room. Braedon goes into this classroom setting when he has trouble in the mainstream classroom or when he can't do something in the mainstream classroom. He also receives some therapy in there. He really loves going in there because they have really REALLY cool toys and computers. What has been so wonderful to see is Jacob's face light up when Braedon walks into the classroom in the morning. He grins from ear to ear. Braedon will walk over and say hello and then put his hand up to give Jacob a high five. It takes a few moments for Jacob to get his arm and hand up, but Braedon just waits. Once they slap high five and smile, they are off on their days.

Reilly continues to work on going potty in the toilet. He's about 70% there. I still don't dare go to Church or the store without a diaper. Number 2 is still only in a diaper or, worse, his underpants. Yuck!! He was in the bath the other day, by himself thank goodness, and went number 2. I wasn't in the room and when I walked in to check on him, I saw he was working on collecting the poop in his hands, smashing it into a clump (picture a brown snowball) and tossing it into the toilet. I was torn at this moment in time. Do I praise my son for putting poop in the toilet? or Do I get on my son for touching poop? I chose the first one. Yeah Reilly!!! Poop goes in the toilet! I washed Reilly off, drained the tub, after collecting all the very loose poop, cleaned and disinfected the tub, floor, and toilet, and went about my day. Poop doesn't intimidate me! It used to, I won't lie. But after sooooo many poop cleaning "incidents", I fear it no longer.

Those are my stories for today. Hopefully more to come with more homework...

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