Yesterday Reilly's class went on a field trip to Discovery Gateway. If you've never been there, picture a child playland. I would describe all the wonderful different things that can be played with, but that would take too long and I lack the patience to do that. Just picture lots of things that you can play with and learn on.
Reilly likes the ball thing. It was hundreds of small plastic balls you can put in little holes. These holes suck the balls up and carry them through clear tubes in different directions. They eventually all come out in a central holding place. If it were up to Reilly, he would have spent the entire three hours we were there at this one place.
The problem I have when I go to places like this with both boys is Reilly likes to stay at one thing for three hours and Braedon likes to stay at one thing for ten minutes and then move on. After 30 minutes, I had to take Reilly kicking and screaming to the next area. Once he was there things were just fine.
Reilly hadn't had any of his afternoon ADHD medicine, so it was like watching the Tasmanian Devil rip through things. He was everywhere. He grabbed a small shopping cart and began to shop. They have a play store that you can walk through. He picked out apples, bananas and grapes. All things he likes. It was funny that he was that picky even in play.
Braedon ran over to the water section and found great joy there. After about an hour we headed up to see the helicopter (yep, they have a real helicopter outside). Braedon and Reilly and a few of Reilly's classmates found this to be awesome. Reilly waited for his turn to sit in the cockpit and when he did get his turn he was not coming out. It took some persuading to get him to finally come in.
Once inside we spent another hour playing upstairs with blocks, puzzles, magnets, fans, weather stations, earthquake blocks, and lots of other things.
Overall it was a very fun trip. I only had one small setback from an old woman who was there with her grandkids. Reilly took a ball from her hands and she told him to give it back. I reached over to take it from him and he threw a fit. I gave it back and apologized to her. As we were walking away, Reilly broke free and ran and grabbed the ball away from the lady. She grabbed it back from him and made a noise. I apologized and started to carry the screaming child away. I heard her say something like, "Someone needs to teach these kids how to behave in public." I turned right around and looked at her for a moment. I said, "I'm sorry. All of these children have Autism and are doing their best. I suggest you either be okay with it or leave." I didn't wait for a response. I just walked away.
I'm sure it isn't easy to see 30 children with Autism yelling, running, crying, and being completely over stimulated. But this is where they can do it. Be nice!
Once we finally got home we were all exhausted from our adventures. Braedon did have a meltdown at he very end because he wanted to buy a helicopter at the gift shop and I said no. Reilly had a meltdown because we left the balls.
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