Thursday, July 19, 2012

Phil part 2

Part two of the story is all about life with Braedon...

We left off at 3:00... The boys were outside, covered in mud and having a great afternoon.  I got dressed to go to my mom's concert.  She sings in a choir that was giving a Days of '47 concert with the West Valley Symphony and featuring Nathan Osmond and his band.  Braedon absolutely loves the symphony. 

As we headed out at 5:30, I discovered Reilly is at the age where he knows when he is included and when he is left behind.  As my mom and I headed to the door, a very upset and frantic Reilly started looking for his shoes.  He kept saying, "Shoes! Shoes!" and was running around trying to find them before we got to the door.  He quickly put them on and decided he was leaving with us.  Braedon had already headed out and climber in the Mazda.  He was so excited and ready for the concert.  Dean got his shoes on and decided to take Reilly to 7-11 for a slurppy and some "guy time."  As Reilly climbed into the Saturn, he heard Braedon yell out.  He looked around and noticed his big brother was in a different car.  That did NOT sit well with him.

He jumped out of the Saturn and tried to climb in the car with Braedon.  Dean had to hold him back and he cried and screamed.  As Braedon, my mom, and I drove away a crying Reilly was sobbing "Mama! Mama!"  I felt like a wonderful mother!

I found out later he did get the slurppy but it didn't help that much.  He cried and whimpered the rest of the night until he finally fell asleep.

Braedon and I dropped my mom off at Abravanel Hall and headed over to City Creek for a walk around.  I hadn't been there since it opened and was very impressed.  We saw some great water fountains, stores, and people watching.  Braedon was, especially, thrilled to walk around the Disney store and game store.

Finally it was time to head to the the concert.  The line to be seated was very long and Braedon was beginning to show his anxiety.  Luckily, I had an ace in my mom.  I called her up and had her get us inside.  Thank goodness she was performing!  Disaster averted.

We had great seats.  Row 15.  Braedon proceeded to tell me all the instruments he could see.  Harp.  Piano.  Timpani.  He was really excited to see more instruments.  As the symphony began to take their seats, he saw french horns, flutes, clarinets, and violins.  What we weren't seeing was a trumpet.  He searched and searched until one finally walked out on stage.  A man holding a trumpet...not an actual trumpet.

He saw his Nanny in the choir and waved.  It took her a bit to waive back, but thanks goodness she did.  We were almost ready to start.  Braedon was on the edge of his seat and told me was "Escited."

That's when it happened.  We were asked to stand for the Star-Spangled Banner when the little monster truck Braedon brought to help him keep calm busted a tire.  I'm not sure how it popped off.  But it did...and it rolled all the way down the rows and was lost forever.  I remember hearing the cry and seeing and panic in Braedon's eyes.  I tried so hard to console him.  He wanted to go find the tire, but there was no way he could ever find it.  It rolled down a slope and was gone.  He cried and screamed for help.  The song ended and I did everything to try and keep him under control. 

Finally, I decided we would step into the hall for some quiet time.  Nothing ruins a concert like a crying child.  It was during a break in the singing.  We said excuse me several times and made our way out.  Braedon continued to cry and scream, so we headed to the lobby.  He sat on a couch in the lobby and cried his little eyes out.  I made him throw the broken monster truck away so it wouldn't be a constant reminder of what he lost.

It took about 10 minutes for him to gain control and head back in.  He wanted to see the instruments and his Nanny sing.  We said excuse me, again, in between songs and retook our seats.

During the songs, he was very much into the concert.  Once the songs ended he would get upset and want to find his missing tire.  He finally saw a bracelet I wore to the concert.  It was a simple beaded bracelet.  He asked for it.  I thought it was great.  Something to take his mind off the death of his monster truck.  As I went to take the bracelet off, it exploded.  Beads went flying.  Braedon yelled a very loud no and we both shot for the floor to try and save the beads before they rolled away, just like the monster truck tire.  We managed to save a few, but not the string that held the beads.

It was more then Braedon could take.  Intermission had just arrived and I knew it was time to go.  Before we left, I did feel the need to say a quick something to those sitting around us.  I turned and told everyone I sincerely apologize.  My little guy has autism and has a very strong attachments to his toys.  I explained the tire came off and rolled away.  I explained that with autism, a lack of control over emotions is common and we tried but would now leave.  Several people said they understood and were fine with it.  I also got a few of the "looks" from people that are just irritated by the wind.  I pay them no mind!

We left and headed back to City Creek to walk around until the end of the concert.  It took Braedon another 20 minutes to gain full control of his outburst.  I had told him before the concert, we'd come back to the Disney store and get him a toy.  I'm sure some parents would say after the way he behaved the last thing he needed was a toy.  But, autism is different in this way.  He didn't do anything wrong.  He was in a new environment.  His beloved toy broke.  He simply couldn't handle the situation.  It happens more often then you'd think.  I wasn't rewarded him for his behavior.  I was following through on a promise I had made a few hours prior.

We walked around until 9:15 and headed back to the concert.  Upon arriving, Braedon decided we'd walk up three incredibly long flights of stairs and sit in the balcony.  By the time we got to the top, I had an asthma attack and thought for sure I was going to pass out.  It was a great feeling!!!  I grabbed my inhaler and tried to settled my breathing.  Once that was over, we headed into the concert and found a seat in the very back.

We were able to listen to two songs.  One was Stars and Stripes Forever, which Braedon knows and loves.  He stood and danced and clapped his little hands.  At the end, he stood and yelled "Hooray!  Great job Nanny!"

We climbed down the flights of stairs and waited for my mom.  She got out and we walked back to the car.  It was now close to 10:00 and Braedon decided he was hungry for some fries.  Why not!!  There was a McDonalds on our way home.

As we were walking to the car, I said a goodnight to a homeless man I had made friends with and given money too.  My mom looked at me with a weird glance, but when you walk by someone six times in a few hours, you chat with them.

Once in the car and out of the parking garage, we were off to get fries.  We waited in the line and finally ordered our fries.  I paid for them and handed them back to Braedon.  He says, "Where's the chicken?"  I tried explaining that I only bought fries.  He did not understand this.  Chicken nuggets ALWAYS come with fries.  Sure!  We drove around and got back in line.  I placed an order for chicken nuggets, paid, and got them.  I handed them to Braedon and he says, "Juice box?"

Seriously!!  I explained we were going home...It was after 10:30 and needed to stop circling the McDonalds parking lot.

Once home, Braedon was happy as can be.  He ate his food, changed into his pjs, and went to bed. 

I was 100% exhausted and had a few blisters.  I wore shoes you'd wear to a concert, not shoes you'd wear to walk around downtown.

Things I learned??  This is my life.  I could have left the toy at home, but bringing it meant it would bring Braedon comfort in an unfamiliar place.  Things don't always go as planned.  In fact, they rarely do.  Just go with it.  It is what it is. 

Maybe next time things will go better.  Maybe not.  We'll still go.

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