Reilly spells everything...EVERYTHING. He really doesn't say much that you can understand. He spells his colors, days of the week, months, and anything else he can possibly learn. At school they do calender each day. Once it is all set up, each child needs to say, "Today is Wednesday, February 8, 2012." When they get to Reilly he says, "Today is W E D N E S D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 8, 2012. " For the life of his teachers, they cannot get that little boy to stop spelling everything instead of saying it.
I was in the car the other day with Reilly and my mom. I was asking him to spell things like yellow, blue, music, games, videos... I asked him to spell Aflac (my two boys absolutely love Aflac and Geico commercials). Reilly immediately responds, "D U C K"
That's my boy!
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