Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day Two

Day Two

We finally rolled out of bed, got some breakfast, got dressed, and headed out the door around 10am.  We were off to explore Old Downtown Sante Fe.  The weather was beautiful and everyone seemed to be in a rather good mood.  We walked around and saw some amazing artifacts, buildings, and clothing.  Along the way, we ran into the boys Grandparents, Uncle, cousins, and several Aunts.  Braedon was rather excited to see so many people he actually knew.  After walking around for a few hours, Braedon made the decision we needed to go back to our hotel.  He likes to walk around, but only for a certain amount of time.  Once we've seen everything it is time to go.

Everyone headed in their own directions and we headed to WalMart to stock up on swim trunks, floatation devises and goggles.  The boys had made the decision they were going to go swimming.  Dean and I would have liked to walk around a bit more and drive around and explore the area, but we didn't have a say.

Dean and the boys had a blast in the pool.  They played for over an hour and when they got back to the room, the boys took a nice hot bath to warm up.  We got ready for the wedding and headed back to Old Downtown. 

The wedding was in a beautiful Catholic Church.  Reilly and Dean had to step out because Reilly wanted to climb a staircase that is over 100 years old and doesn't get climbed anymore.  As we headed to the reception, Braedon started to tell us he wanted to go and get in the pool.  For the next hour, we tried so hard to get them to calm down and enjoy the reception.  It was a sit down dinner and dancing after.  Dean and I thought it would be a blast.  Finally, tears and yelling started and we knew it was time to cut our loss and leave.

As we waited for the valet to get our car, no one spoke.  Braedon tried to apologize but I was irritated we had to leave and refused to speak to him (I know, the high road).  He started to cry and we got in the car and headed back to the hotel. 

No pool!  We got them ready for bed, put on a movie and settled in for the night. 

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